26 December 2010

the whole world loves christman :D

it's RG today & i was suppose 2 go and meet some homies
but cant be arsed really cuz ' i woke up at 1pm <<< the long sleep in my entire life
just thought there was no point of me going, 残念です............

had breakfast with 黑羽, 老大 and stephz
then went 2 play house of the dead, taiko, car-racing games etc
taiko was so tiring and i sure that'll help me get rambo arms A_A

went to ags later on and it was almost empty =3=
but i defo had fun with my fam & fds at home
basara 3 is my new addiction A_A
can't get 中井和哉's english accent out of my head XDDDD (e.g. HELL DRAGON)

i must admit the food was turning cold cuz everyone was busy with something else and the food arrived rather early.......
but i still liked the turkey

everyone was on high 8D

anywayz, hope everyone had a lovely x'mas ;)